2022 UK Cell phones statistics | Phonesrepair.london
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Smartphones have become common since the late 2000s, with 92% of UK mobile users owning a smartphone in March 2021.
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However, the origins of these devices can be traced back to the early 1990s.
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Our research has allowed us to compare mobile data over time and analyze trends
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to see how mobile statistics have developed in the UK in recent years.
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At the beginning of 2022, there were 71.8 million mobile connections in the UK
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(4.2 million more than the UK population)βan increase of 3.8% from 2021
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(around 2.6 million). This is likely because many people will have more than one connection registered
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(ie personal and work phones).
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By 2025, it is predicted that the UK population will reach 68.3 million
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and 95% (around 65 million people) will be using a smartphone.
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By 2021, 88% of all adults in the UK will own a smartphone.
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By age, 96% of those aged 16-24 owned a smartphone device, while 78% of those aged 55 and older owned a smartphone.
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These figures have increased dramatically since 2008, when only 17% of adults owned a smartphone.
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In 2008, only 4% of people aged 55+ owned a phone, compared to 29% of those aged 16β24.
image source: Google