TikTok fined £12.7m for different UK information security breaks

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TikTok fined £12.7m for different UK information security breakss

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The Data Official's Office (ICO) said the Chinese-possessed video-sharing application didn't do what's needed to police age limitations on its foundation.

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Data Chief John Edwards said that an expected "1,000,000 under 13s were improperly conceded admittance to the stage"

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notwithstanding regulations set up to keep youngsters from advanced hurt.

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There are laws in place to make sure our children are as safe in the digital world as they are in the physical world.

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TikTok did not abide by those laws,” Edwards said.

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utilized to follow them and profile them, possibly conveying unsafe,

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improper substance at their extremely next scroll".

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He added that the fine "mirrors the serious effect their [TikTok's] disappointments might have had. 

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They didn't do what's necessary to check who was utilizing their foundation or make an adequate

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We contribute intensely to assist with holding under-13s off the stage and our 40,000-in number

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security group works nonstop to assist with guarding the stage for our local area.

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